Feminism is based on economical, political, and social equality for women. Through various forms of feminism, civil rights movements, heterosexual relationships, increase in society’s awareness, cultural and religious importance women have increase the rights of women. Feminism significantly emerged in the twenty century and has the potential to influence Christian or Roman Catholic theology in the twenty-first century. Feminism is a movement that incorporates the equality of both men and women without discrimination against gender, age, and status. Feminists wish for the equality difference between men and women be diminished. The status and rights of women has developed from its original state to the twenty century however gender equality has been threatened within the last decade. Social perceptions of women continue to degrade the traditional idea of a women’s role. In educational and professional workplaces, sexism and discrimination still occurs but the evolution of women’s position has evolved in the twenty-first century theology.
Feminism concerns itself with discrimination and oppression against women inequality. Feminism can be expressed in many different forms and is classified into three waves. The idea of Feminism began from the enlightenment period to the early twenty century, was known as the first wave of Feminism. The age of reason began to question the role of women. As time advanced, during the French Revolution, the male leaders had outlawed women’s freedom in religion, politics, and economics. They believed a women’s place was in the home and in the bed. In a theological viewpoint, Protestant evangelism combined with the anti-slavery movement and had preached in churches. Black feminist such as Sojourner Truth exemplified freedom from whites as well as freedom from males. However, discrimination still persisted into the nineteenth century. As women were leaving the households to go work in the cities for low wages in dangerous working conditions. In 1828, the first all women strike was held, the group of women have called themselves feminists. The feminists struggled to change laws and resist the traditional oppression.
Throughout history the public outcry for equality was finally heard. After many hunger strikes and protests the United States women the right to vote in the early twenty century. The Second wave came to life from the 1960’s to the 1980’s as the struggles for sexual liberation and civil rights for females continued. They fought for issues such as abortion, education, and healthcare. Many consider the second wave of feminism a failure but as the third wave began in the late twenty century and is persisted into the present time period holds the same concepts of the second wave but often debated the different feminists that exist in present day society. Feminism is a diverse combination of social theories and political movements concerning the inequalities circling females. Females concern themselves with the limitation of gender inequalities by advancing the rights and issues of women in society. Themes of feminism are stereotyping, discrimination, and oppression Since there is no single form of feminism there are four main contemporary feministic forms that are held in high regards among the other various forms present in the modern world. The first type of feminism is Conservative feminism. Conservative feminism main argument is does the fight for equality result in damage to the household; husband and children. The next feminism is Liberal feminism which holds a neutral position on the topic stating all people as equal; men will have their share and women have their share of the responsibilities. Liberal feminism focused on the equality of men and women through political and legal reform. It lays emphasis on women’s ability to show their equality through their own actions and choices. The third feminism sees all oppression of women stem from male dominance, therefore regarded as radical feminism. This feminism believes the reason oppression occurs is males obtain an ego satisfaction and gain self-esteem. Radical feminists believe that women’s freedom is possible only if the oppressive and dominating system male-dominated capitalist system is done away with. Most of them rely totally on uprooting and reconstructing society to achieve their goals. These feminists refuse to follow scientific and historical theories because they are preoccupied with the male race ultimately advocating for a separation with the male race. The last type of feminism, Social feminism judges all oppression stems from class structure. The fact that man works gives them the right to control women is strongly opposed. According to socialist feminism, women are subjugated because of their unequal standing in both the workplace and the home. It advocates a broad change that affects the whole society, not just individuals. Feminism significantly emerged in the twenty century; women at the advent of the reform women have been able to attain higher salaries, social and corporeal power. They have been allowed relational freedom and not kept to the image of a homemaker. For example, Judaism believes women should be part of society as women and maintain their individuality as women. “It is disturbing when women's spiritual contributions to home, family, and others are unrecognized, not only by men, but, more painfully, by women themselves.” From the twenty century three types of females emerged the sexy and tough female, the beautiful and intelligent female, or the housewife female. Females have been able to attain careers in traditional male jobs such as politics, religion, finance, medicine, law, and science. This progress is amazing considering women were despised victims of violence and abuse. Feminist women are currently positions in church by working in part time positions attempting to recreate the lives of women. Quite recently, the first female rabbi was allowed to serve in a synagogue, during the reading of the Scriptures the importance of the reading was devalued because the story was written by men who did not accept females as their equals. Feminists have documented the devaluation of women in the gospels, church, and ancient Judaism. In Ex 20:17 and Deut 5:21 a woman supposed to be a virgin at the time of her message, if she wasn’t she would be stoned but a man was not held of such a penalty for his virginity. Many biblical passages like Pauline and Genesis exclude women from leading and intend to have women subordinate to men. Biblical foundations provide evidence for the women to be subordinate to men as Eve was created from the rib of Adam only to be of help to Adam. ”But for Adam, no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”--. Genesis 2:18-24 God commands both Adam and Eve to rule the earth and over all creation. They were both called to rule, complementing each other, supporting each other, serving each other, sacrificing for the other, and deferring to each other. God declares that “a man will rule over his wife,” in Genesis 3:16. From Genesis and from Timothy, it is inferred that women are more capable of being deceived then men. For Adam was first to be made by God and Eve was the second, further more Adam was not the one deceived it was Eve the woman who had became a sinner. It is widely believed that Eve was solely responsible for the destruction of a perfect life therefore making her inferior. The famous Rabbi Eliezer, wrote: “Rather should the words of the Torah be burned than entrusted to a woman…Whoever teaches his daughter [the Torah] is like one who teaches her obscenity.” Over the course of time women have faced many hardships as can be seen in religious texts. “Any iniquity is small compared to a woman’s iniquity…. From a woman sin had its beginning, and because of her we all die” (Sirach 25:19, 24;). “Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; it is woman who brings shame and disgrace” (Sirach 42:14). “The woman is inferior to the man in every way” (Josephus, Against Apion 2:201). “A hundred women are no better than two men” (Talmud, Ber. 45b) “A man is required to say the following three blessings every day: ‘Blessed are you who have not made me a heathen, who have not made me a woman, who has not made me illiterate” (bMen. 43b; Ber. 7.18).
In the twenty-first century there is a potential to influence Christian or Roman Catholic theology in the twenty-first century as the marks are made clear theologians today. Many Christians recognized Jesus welcomed both women and men to be his disciples. Women were at that time not considered worthy to learn anything of high value or importance relating to God. Husbands looked down upon women when women would testify in court because their testimony was considered false because their brains are incapable of such information. In today’s society much of the revised bibles vocabulary has been changed due to the fight by feminists for equality. For example when man is used it does not just mean man as a gender but men as people collectively speaking. As today’s twenty-first society indicates strong progress of feministic movements, it allows for women like Rebecca West, modernist and feminist writer, to show the emergence and influence of women in modern day society, “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a door mat or a prostitute.”
Feminism concerns itself with discrimination and oppression against women inequality. Feminism can be expressed in many different forms and is classified into three waves. The idea of Feminism began from the enlightenment period to the early twenty century, was known as the first wave of Feminism. The age of reason began to question the role of women. As time advanced, during the French Revolution, the male leaders had outlawed women’s freedom in religion, politics, and economics. They believed a women’s place was in the home and in the bed. In a theological viewpoint, Protestant evangelism combined with the anti-slavery movement and had preached in churches. Black feminist such as Sojourner Truth exemplified freedom from whites as well as freedom from males. However, discrimination still persisted into the nineteenth century. As women were leaving the households to go work in the cities for low wages in dangerous working conditions. In 1828, the first all women strike was held, the group of women have called themselves feminists. The feminists struggled to change laws and resist the traditional oppression.
Throughout history the public outcry for equality was finally heard. After many hunger strikes and protests the United States women the right to vote in the early twenty century. The Second wave came to life from the 1960’s to the 1980’s as the struggles for sexual liberation and civil rights for females continued. They fought for issues such as abortion, education, and healthcare. Many consider the second wave of feminism a failure but as the third wave began in the late twenty century and is persisted into the present time period holds the same concepts of the second wave but often debated the different feminists that exist in present day society. Feminism is a diverse combination of social theories and political movements concerning the inequalities circling females. Females concern themselves with the limitation of gender inequalities by advancing the rights and issues of women in society. Themes of feminism are stereotyping, discrimination, and oppression Since there is no single form of feminism there are four main contemporary feministic forms that are held in high regards among the other various forms present in the modern world. The first type of feminism is Conservative feminism. Conservative feminism main argument is does the fight for equality result in damage to the household; husband and children. The next feminism is Liberal feminism which holds a neutral position on the topic stating all people as equal; men will have their share and women have their share of the responsibilities. Liberal feminism focused on the equality of men and women through political and legal reform. It lays emphasis on women’s ability to show their equality through their own actions and choices. The third feminism sees all oppression of women stem from male dominance, therefore regarded as radical feminism. This feminism believes the reason oppression occurs is males obtain an ego satisfaction and gain self-esteem. Radical feminists believe that women’s freedom is possible only if the oppressive and dominating system male-dominated capitalist system is done away with. Most of them rely totally on uprooting and reconstructing society to achieve their goals. These feminists refuse to follow scientific and historical theories because they are preoccupied with the male race ultimately advocating for a separation with the male race. The last type of feminism, Social feminism judges all oppression stems from class structure. The fact that man works gives them the right to control women is strongly opposed. According to socialist feminism, women are subjugated because of their unequal standing in both the workplace and the home. It advocates a broad change that affects the whole society, not just individuals. Feminism significantly emerged in the twenty century; women at the advent of the reform women have been able to attain higher salaries, social and corporeal power. They have been allowed relational freedom and not kept to the image of a homemaker. For example, Judaism believes women should be part of society as women and maintain their individuality as women. “It is disturbing when women's spiritual contributions to home, family, and others are unrecognized, not only by men, but, more painfully, by women themselves.” From the twenty century three types of females emerged the sexy and tough female, the beautiful and intelligent female, or the housewife female. Females have been able to attain careers in traditional male jobs such as politics, religion, finance, medicine, law, and science. This progress is amazing considering women were despised victims of violence and abuse. Feminist women are currently positions in church by working in part time positions attempting to recreate the lives of women. Quite recently, the first female rabbi was allowed to serve in a synagogue, during the reading of the Scriptures the importance of the reading was devalued because the story was written by men who did not accept females as their equals. Feminists have documented the devaluation of women in the gospels, church, and ancient Judaism. In Ex 20:17 and Deut 5:21 a woman supposed to be a virgin at the time of her message, if she wasn’t she would be stoned but a man was not held of such a penalty for his virginity. Many biblical passages like Pauline and Genesis exclude women from leading and intend to have women subordinate to men. Biblical foundations provide evidence for the women to be subordinate to men as Eve was created from the rib of Adam only to be of help to Adam. ”But for Adam, no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”--. Genesis 2:18-24 God commands both Adam and Eve to rule the earth and over all creation. They were both called to rule, complementing each other, supporting each other, serving each other, sacrificing for the other, and deferring to each other. God declares that “a man will rule over his wife,” in Genesis 3:16. From Genesis and from Timothy, it is inferred that women are more capable of being deceived then men. For Adam was first to be made by God and Eve was the second, further more Adam was not the one deceived it was Eve the woman who had became a sinner. It is widely believed that Eve was solely responsible for the destruction of a perfect life therefore making her inferior. The famous Rabbi Eliezer, wrote: “Rather should the words of the Torah be burned than entrusted to a woman…Whoever teaches his daughter [the Torah] is like one who teaches her obscenity.” Over the course of time women have faced many hardships as can be seen in religious texts. “Any iniquity is small compared to a woman’s iniquity…. From a woman sin had its beginning, and because of her we all die” (Sirach 25:19, 24;). “Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; it is woman who brings shame and disgrace” (Sirach 42:14). “The woman is inferior to the man in every way” (Josephus, Against Apion 2:201). “A hundred women are no better than two men” (Talmud, Ber. 45b) “A man is required to say the following three blessings every day: ‘Blessed are you who have not made me a heathen, who have not made me a woman, who has not made me illiterate” (bMen. 43b; Ber. 7.18).
In the twenty-first century there is a potential to influence Christian or Roman Catholic theology in the twenty-first century as the marks are made clear theologians today. Many Christians recognized Jesus welcomed both women and men to be his disciples. Women were at that time not considered worthy to learn anything of high value or importance relating to God. Husbands looked down upon women when women would testify in court because their testimony was considered false because their brains are incapable of such information. In today’s society much of the revised bibles vocabulary has been changed due to the fight by feminists for equality. For example when man is used it does not just mean man as a gender but men as people collectively speaking. As today’s twenty-first society indicates strong progress of feministic movements, it allows for women like Rebecca West, modernist and feminist writer, to show the emergence and influence of women in modern day society, “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a door mat or a prostitute.”
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