Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The internet has been widespread in the world and I think it is an electronic democracy. The blogging individual’s part take in is a form of democratic participation. Democracy and the internet have been intertwined to elevate the voice of the people. Democracy is equality for every voice to be heard. By maintaining a blog one is able to have there voice heard through their blog posts. I agree to an extent with Gibson that the web can be a platform for democracy. I think the government will have more trouble containing the electronic democracy and rather then it’s own democracy. When it comes to the electronic democracy the government will be far behind its citizens.
For many citizens in this electronic democracy such as I use it to escape the stress the real government hands us. Blogging for some are windows in their lives through self-creative means. The blogging method enables one to be free to their own rule. Again I favor Gibson when he mentions the internet is “growing constantly and exponentially in an unplanned way -- is very scary for nation-states in the traditional sense” this is very much true because if there is no government interference or control there can be electronic terrorism. Blogging lets you move outside the classroom walls and express my poetic creativeness to the wide internet network rather then a single audience. However to some individuals such as terrorist groups use it to recruit members and/or plan attacks to harm society. My blog is a participant to the electronic society as I am to the American society.
I along with other participants can use my blog to benefit personal and have my voice heard through my blog posts. Gibson is certainly correct that the Internet is a new development and it will keep developing and we really do not know where it will take us in the future. In this informal setting my blog posts reflect me and I can see myself grow in another society by expanding my ideas. In this electronic democracy I can connect the societal environment with the internet environment. The internet is an electronic democracy that anyone can participate in and have their voice heard. Like Gibson does state it will point us in a new direction and I think it will be a negative and chaotic direction because then the government will be challenged when trying to control the two societies, the actual and the electronic.

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