Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It’s disaster as a future wife’s heart breaks
It’s not an abortion of justice just justice getting raped
Reality is Sean Bell was shot fifty times
Why can’t they serve time, sometimes I lose my mind
Blinded and tied good by evil, blame Adam and Eve
By any means, get even, with a mean thief
In the eve of his last night no justice or peace
Sadness tied with madness fills the bloody streets
Killed for nothing he didn’t have a gun
A good son gone but a revolution will come
Step one is to shoot until it stops
Shots fired fifty times into fifty cops
Let cop bodies drop, no exceptions kill the cop race
No respect filled with disgrace off an easy case based on race
But what comes around goes around, bloodhound
Let off a round cops have kids that become bullet bound
Never safe and sound, all they got was maternity leave
Feminist cops got to bleed so I heave
But first stop to grieve, confront the mother and wife of the seed

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