Saturday, March 29, 2008


The ingenious psychological study conducted by Justin Kruger and David Dunning of Cornell University was a study that did not go unnoticed. Justin Kruger and David Dunning two psychologists from Cornell University had performed four studies in how unskilled individuals lack the skills for an accurate self-assessment. This paper will address the nature of the problem being investigated; the type of methodology used to address the topic at hand; and will identify each study’s hypothesis; independent and dependent variables; and general findings. Each psychological study was to demonstrate that there are people who are very unskilled in a certain area and cannot even identify their own lack of skill. These types of people make wrong choices and their lack of skill doesn’t allow their ability to identify it. This study labeled these skills as metacognitive skills. This observation was thrown on a case study group which was tested in three different areas but before they were allowed to take the first test they had to assess how they would perform on the test. After the first test they had received the scores of the test and then took another test but before they would take the second test they again had to assess how they would perform on the second test. The nature of the problem was such; everyone had over assessed their performance on the first test that was given. However, there had been those that had done well on the first test that on the second test they had lower assessments for the second test. Even those that had performed poorly on the first test did not change their assessments for the second test. This study displays that most individuals are often overconfident in their assessments on how much they really know. The tests were based on a common wisdom. They were humor, grammar, and logical reasoning. For example, the first test was based on humor where the individuals had to rate how funny a joke was. This enabled Kruger and Dunning to measure the individuals’ metacognitive skills in humor.
These marvelous studies revealed that unskilled individuals, if they are unaware of what they are have to perform they will do poorly. However, if these individuals had once taken the test then were able to assess their earlier performance then if they would take the same test again the same individuals would improve their performance. More so, it is because they embraced what they have done wrong before and now know how to do it the right way because they have a different assessment then the previous time. It can be said for every individual that if they are unskilled in a certain area then they will lack the ability to identify that they are unskilled. The methodology used is as follows; if you take a group of average students and you put them through this procedure those that performed poorly were not very capable of properly assessing themselves and their abilities. This experiment concluded that unskilled people didn’t know they were unskilled and their levels of incompetence marred their metacognitive abilities to assess themselves properly. However, if to train the individuals on their metacognitive skills then as a result the individual can then better assess themselves and their capabilities.
Kruger and Dunning have established a hypothesis that all individuals in this study are of equal assessment abilities. Although, there is a division of percentiles as seen in the table charts presented in the study. There are a percentage of individuals that are in the bottom quartile and there is a percentage that is in the top quartile. Those that are in the percentage of individuals that are in the bottom quartile on the first test will stay in the bottom quartile for the second test. Those in the percentage of those in the top quartile during the first test will vary because they will be individuals that have assessed the second test. A constant problem arises throughout the studies when the individuals are asked to assess themselves in other subject areas and the individual rates himself to be much more skilled but rather that does not hold true. In fact, those that had assessed to be better than average are actually below average in these areas. They are truly unaware of how truly unskilled they are. Based on general findings, it was seen that the lack of skill assessment on these chain of tests were due to the individuals knowledge of humor, grammar, and logical reasoning.
Kruger and Dunning’s hypothesis held true that the more unskilled some is in a particular subject area the more unskilled he is to assess his own skills. When the individuals have failed to identify how poorly they have performed they are left with nothing else but to believe that they have done to the best of their ability. This inability to assess will force students to misjudge their skills. The test of humor, grammar, and logical reasoning demonstrated how one’s perception of their skills actually truly to the actuality of their skills.
Kruger and Dunning’s had formed the following hypothesis before the experiment. Unskilled individuals will significantly misjudge their abilities and skills in relation to the topic. Those that are unskilled will have a hard time understanding the skills of others so this will make it much more difficult for the unskilled individuals to draw an accurate picture of their own abilities and skills. Also those that are unskilled have already formed the metacognitive skills need to see that they have already did poorly. Finally, the unskilled individuals also form the inability to correctly assess so they experience incapability in their metacognitive skills which makes it much harder to see their lack of skill.
In conclusion, this paper has addressed the nature of the problem being investigated; the type of methodology used to address the topic at hand; and will identify each study’s hypothesis; independent and dependent variables; and general findings. Each psychological study was to demonstrate that there are people who are very unskilled in a certain area and cannot even identify their own lack of skill. These types of people make wrong choices and their lack of skill doesn’t allow their ability to identify it. This study displays that most individuals are often overconfident in their assessments on how much they really know. The tests were based on a common wisdom. They were humor, grammar, and logical reasoning. However, if these individuals had once taken the test then were able to assess their earlier performance then if they would take the same test again the same individuals would improve their performance. More so, it is because they embraced what they have done wrong before and now know how to do it the right way because they have a different assessment then the previous time. It can be said for every individual that if they are unskilled in a certain area then they will lack the ability to identify that they are unskilled. There are a percentage of individuals that are in the bottom quartile and there is a percentage that is in the top quartile. Those that are in the percentage of individuals that are in the bottom quartile on the first test will stay in the bottom quartile for the second test. Those in the percentage of those in the top quartile during the first test will vary because they will be individuals that have assessed the second test. A constant problem arises throughout the studies when the individuals are asked to assess themselves in other subject areas and the individual rates himself to be much more skilled but rather that does not hold true. In fact, those that had assessed to be better than average are actually below average in these areas. They are truly unaware of how truly unskilled they are.

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