Saturday, March 29, 2008


Dating back to the time of Genesis it was uncertain who was superior the men or the women but it is now proven that men do think differently then women. According to a new study the anatomy of the brain indicates the brain is constructed of two different types of tissue, white and gray matter. This new research reveals that men think more with their gray matter, and women think more with white. Findings show that in general, men have nearly 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence compared with women, whereas women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence compared to men. In human brains, gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers. The results from this study may help explain why men and women excel at different types of tasks. Men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing, such as mathematics, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids language skills. Scientists find it very interesting that while men and women use two very different activity centers and neurological pathways, men and women perform equally well on broad measures of cognitive ability, such as intelligence tests.

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