Saturday, March 29, 2008


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a therapy that directs itself on realizing the unreasonable and unhealthy behaviors humans develop and change them into positive logical and healthy emotions. Due to the fact that humans have accepted unreasonable and unhealthy behaviors they are held back from being happy and being successful. When this state of mind is changed from negative and unreasonable behaviors to positive behaviors it leads to a better state of psychological and physiological health. This therapy helps humans develop a better positive state of mind that will help them when they are encountered with emotional suffering and self-inflicting pain. Patients of the rational emotive behavior therapy face the ABC model. The ABC model was developed by Albert Ellis, it differentiates between the effects of having a reasonable behavior about a negative event, which produces positive and healthy emotions and the effects of having an unreasonable behavior about a negative event, which produces negative and unhealthy emotions. The A in the ABC model is the way you perceive an event, the B in the ABC model is your decision and the way you act upon this event, and the C in the ABC model is the resulting emotion from the event whether it be negative or positive. To further explain the ABC model: the A, is the actual event and the patients interpretation of the event. The B in this model is the evaluation of the event if it is reasonable or unreasonable. The final step of this model is the consequences, such as, emotions and behavior whether positive healthy or negative and unhealthy.
In addition to these three parts there are also three primary insights. The first of these primary insights is the perception of reality and the acceptance of this reality that causes the emotional effect. The second of these insights is there are conditions that do affect the person either in the past or present but they don’t affect the person. Instead it is the way a patient responds to the negative event and it is up to the individual whether they want to uphold these beliefs. The third and final of these insights is to attack the emotional problem and either remove it or turn it into a positive emotion.
In conclusion, rational emotive behavior therapy tries to acknowledge the problem of the patients, identifying the causes of the problems, and when the therapists understand the problem of the irrational emotion they try to understand why it is irrational and provide a different way of counteracting the perception to produce a positive and healthy emotion. When this state of mind is changed from negative and unreasonable behaviors to positive behaviors it leads to a better state of psychological and physiological health. This therapy helps humans develop a better positive state of mind that will help them when they are encountered with emotional suffering and self-inflicting pain.

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