Tuesday, February 5, 2008


The Art of War, by Sun Tzu is the most brilliant piece of work in its time. Written by an ancient Chinese warrior, Sun Tzu analyzes strategies, politics, tactics, motivation, and deceit. In the today’s era it is read as a guide for structuring businesses, sports teams, and political campaigns. Due to the extreme complication that the ancient vernacular provides, I have often read the novel numerous times to fully understand the underlining message. For the sake of my topic, I have applied the basic principles of the Art of War to women.
It is very important to hide your weaknesses and to play your strengths. Know every possible detail of the woman but be unknowable to her. Always be unpredictable and subtle. Never do the expected. Make moves that are simple and efficient. Unresponsiveness is your highest source. Construct vulnerability in woman but stay aware and persistent. Love every woman, some more than others. When listening to advice ignore those that are unsuccessful. If in a group of woman the single male will not win. The man must divide them and only have two women left, the strong one and the weak one. Stick to your disciplined rules. Do not do or say anything stupid, it will weaken you. Divert attention away from her friends, be what she wants but cannot have, and always try to leave them thinking of you by giving them good reasons to think of you. Morally, it is better to have one woman but for those that are morally challenged do not have more than two women at one time. Be unpredictable and let the place you are in to strengthen her understanding of you.

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